Case Details

IPO Application

The Task
Our esteemed Client is into Client Portfolio Management. A part of CPM is investing in IPOs for their clients.
The Client used to manually operate when it came to IPO.
The Pain Points
The Client team used to be on their toes once the client used to desire via various means i.e. SMS, email, phone call reg. their wish to invest in certain IPOS. They used to download each IPO application (because of its unique number). Then the data used to be filled manually, post that it used to be checked, signed by the designated authorities, and sent via a runner to the Bank. In case of a change in bid amount or information correction, the team had to take out multiple copies of the form and fill it out. All the records were distributed in physical and part softcopies.
The Solution
The NI3SYS team offered an online solution wherein clients’ clients can apply, edit, and view the relevant IPOS which are open as per the system by their authorized user credentials.
Apart from the above facility the designated internal team members can also apply (edit and update) on the client’s behalf.
This whole system can be monitored in real-time by relevant teams and it’s as per compliance.
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